Hot-Line Dialer Network, Touch Tone. The K-1900-6 Hot-Line Dialer and Network fits most 500, 554, 2500, and 2554 sets. Once installed, the phone will dial a pre-programmed number each time the handset is lifted.
For a vandal resistant Hot-Line phone, the K-1900-7 is available. If a keypad is required, the K-1900-8 is available. If a dialer is not required, the K-1500-7, K-1500P-D and K-1500P-W are available!
20 digit programmable speed dial number
Touch Tone and 10/20 pps pulse dialing
Operates on standard C.O. lines, Centrex lines, or analog stations behind key systems and PABX's
Non-volatile E2 memory (no batteries required)
Won't dial on incoming calls
Programmable security code
Touch Tone programmable
One year warranty
Made in the USA
Security and emergency phones
Interactive point of sale displays
Interactive voice response systems
Catalog sales
Automated Teller Machines (ATM's)
Replace leased ring down circuits
Hot-Line reservation phones for hotels, airlines, car rentals, etc.