Network Enabled Relay Controller. The RC-4 Network Enabled Relay Controller provides networked control of four remote relays via a web interface. The same interface can be used to check the status of four contact closures at the remote location. Relays can be toggled on or off, or user-programmed timed closures can be activated. Two levels of user access permit selected users to have full operational and programming rights while others have operational control but not programming capability. Applications Remote Control of: Secure building entry Heating/cooling equipment Pumps and fans Security system Gates Lighting Emergency tones Features Terminal strip connections for normally open, normally closed, and common for all four relays Terminal strip connections for all four contact closures Ready-to-use webpage control interface Relays may be toggled on or off by clicking on webpage relay image Timed relay closures of 1 - 99 seconds can be easily programmed and activated by clicking on webpage control buttons 12VDC power supply provided.